Screenshot by Gamepur

In Scarlet Nexus, your team will not just mindlessly follow you around. They will have gear up behaviors and tactics that y'all tin can alter if yous want them to conduct differently during missions. Irresolute these is quite simple, and it pays to take a decent mix of tactics in your party.

To change the tactics, open the main menu and then go to the Political party tab. Hit the prompted push button on the graphic symbol bill of fare in the lower right to change tactics. For case, this is Y on Xbox, or Z on PC.

You will now run across a list of potential tactics:

  • Fight to the brink – this will basically have the NPC putting information technology all on the line to deal damage, but will increase the likelihood of them being downed.
  • Don't Overdo It – the NPC will adopt a more conservative combat manner that is less risky, but outputs less damage.
  • Evasive Maneuvers – the NPC volition prioritize non taking damage over doing damage.
  • Target Different Enemy – the NPC will focus on a unlike enemy to i that you are locked on to.
  • Target Same Enemy – the NPC volition focus the same enemy that you are locked on to.
  • Battle at Will – the NPC AI will make its ain decision well-nigh what to notice and when.

We have establish information technology's a proficient thought to have an active character set to the focus on the same target equally you to apace take down the about threatening enemy, while other tin be fix to target different enemies to go on them all from ganging upwards on the player character.