
How Long Do You Have To Live In Vermont To Be Able To Apply For Services

Planning to Retire?

Are you planning to retire within the next yr?  We know that deciding when to retire presents a unique set of opportunities and anxieties.  We are hither to aid y'all through this exciting time in your life.  Here are a couple of things to keep in listen equally you consider your options.

  • Outset your planning well in advance of your retirement engagement.  Planning to retire involves a significant corporeality of fiscal planning.  Make sure y'all have all your financial information collected and brainstorm a list of questions.  If you take not done and so already, reach out to Social Security and Medicare to understand what you need to exercise to receive benefits to which y'all are entitled.  And call back, wait times tin exist meaning, so information technology helps to outset early, at least six months in accelerate of your planned retirement.
  • Cheque out Fellow member Direct.  Member Direct is our online resource assuasive you lot view your membership information You are also able to run benefits estimate for whatsoever eligible appointment of your choosing, and so that you can get a sense of your approximate benefit.  Member direct can be accessed by clicking this
  • Brand an appointment with our Retirement Specialists.  The Retirement Segmentation of the State Treasurer's Office has a staff of highly trained Retirement Specialists who complete benefit estimates, guess cost of whatsoever purchase you may be eligible for and answer any questions you have about the procedure of retiring and applying for your benefits. Once you have decided when you would like to retire, you may submit a asking for a benefit estimate/buy information from 1 of our Specialists.

Past EMAIL: Send an e-mail with your proper name, birthday, organization (State, Teacher, or Municipal), proposed retirement engagement, and whatever other information to

Past Telephone: Please telephone call us at 802-828-2305 or 1-800-642-3191 (cost-costless in Vermont only)

PLEASE Annotation:  In guild to accommodate a high volume of requests, nosotros tin can only process ane potential retirement appointment per request at a fourth dimension.  If, after receiving an estimate, you would like to submit a second asking for some other retirement appointment, yous may do then, merely you will need to resubmit your request at the information to a higher place.  This will let us to serve everyone on a timely basis.

Information on VSERS and VSTRS pension changes in South.286/Act 114 of 2022

In May 2022, the Vermont General Assembly passed S.286/Deed No. 114: An act relating to amending diverse public pension and other postemployment benefits. The tables below summarize the contribution and benefit changes in the Act for active employees in the Vermont State Employees Retirement System (VSERS) and the Vermont Land Teachers Retirement System (VSTRS), effective July 1, 2022.

Act No. 114 every bit enacted can be found here. A bill summary prepared by legislative counsel is hither.

*S.286/Deed 114 does not make any changes to members of the Vermont Municipal Employees Retirement System (VMERS). For VMERS programme benefit information, click here.

**If yous plan to retire by six/30/2022 and take not already contacted the Retirement Office, please exercise so immediately via email at or via phone at (802) 828-2305.

Teachers Retirement Organization Changes

Employee Contribution Changes made in S.286/Act 114 will impact all active employees beginning July 2022.

Do good/COLA Changes made in South.286/Human action 114 do not bear on benefits for the post-obit groups:

  • Retirees who take retired prior to 6/30/2022.
  • Agile Members who are eligible for normal retirement as of half-dozen/thirty/2022.
  • Vested Deferred Members who have left State service with more than 5 years of creditable service past 6/30/2022 and have not withdrawn funds.

If you are in one of the groups listed above, the "Previous Benefit" column in the tables below apply to you.

*Grouping #1 are members who were at least 57 years of age or had at to the lowest degree 25 years of service on June 30, 2010. Grouping #2 are members who were less than age 57 and had less than 25 years of service credit on June 30, 2010.

State Employees Retirement Arrangement Changes
Group F (Most Country Employees)

Employee Contribution Changes fabricated in Due south.286/Human activity 114 will impact all active employees beginning July 2022.

Benefit/COLA Changes made in South.286/Human activity 114 practise non touch benefits for the following groups:

  • Retirees who accept retired prior to half-dozen/xxx/2022.
  • Active Members who are eligible for normal retirement equally of 6/xxx/2022.
  • Vested Deferred Members who accept left Country service with more 5 years of creditable service by six/thirty/2022 and accept not withdrawn funds.

If you are in one of the groups listed above, the "Previous Benefit" cavalcade in the tables below apply to you.

*Group F is hired before vii/1/08. Grouping F* is hired on or after 7/1/08.

Group C (Law Enforcement & Firefighters)

Employee Contribution Changes made in S.286/Act 114 will touch all agile employees starting time July 2022.

Benefit/COLA Changes made in S.286/Human action 114 do not impact benefits for the following groups:

  • Retirees who accept retired prior to six/30/2022.
  • Agile Members who are eligible for normal retirement as of 6/xxx/2022.
  • Vested Deferred Members who have left Land service with more than 5 years of creditable service by 6/xxx/2022 and have non withdrawn funds.

If yous are in one of the groups listed higher up, the "Previous Benefit" column in the tables beneath apply to you.

Group D (Judges)

Employee Contribution Changes fabricated in S.286/Deed 114 will impact all active employees commencement July 2022.

Benefit/COLA Changes made in S.286/Act 114 do not touch benefits for the following groups:

  • Retirees who have retired prior to half-dozen/30/2022.
  • Active Members who are eligible for normal retirement every bit of 6/thirty/2022.
  • Vested Deferred Members who have left State service with more than 5 years of creditable service past 6/30/2022 and have non withdrawn funds.

If y'all are in one of the groups listed above, the "Previous Benefit" column in the tables below employ to you lot.

Empower acquires Prudential

Since February 2018 Prudential Retirement Services has managed the Country'due south supplemental retirement programs.  This includes the following Plans:

For Land employees:

  • The Deferred Compensation Program, also known as the 457 Plan,
  • The Divers Contribution Plan, and
  • The Single Deposit Investment Business relationship, as well known as the SDIA Programme.

For Teachers:

  • The Deferred Bounty Plan, also known as the 403(b) Programme, and
  • The Single Deposit Investment Account, also known as the SDIA Plan

For Municipal employees:

  • The Deferred Bounty Plan, also known as the 457 Plan,
  • The Divers Contribution Plan, and
  • The Retiree Health Subsidy Program

Equally you may have already heard, Empower Retirement has acquired Prudential's full-service retirement business.  While you will see a few changes equally a event of the transition—east.g., yous will starting time to run across the Empower logo on your website, statements, required notices, confirmations, forms and educational materials—in that location is no action required by you at this time.  Here is what to expect:

The post-obit data and resources are all staying the same:

  • Your website and login credentials.
  • Your contributions and investments.
  • Your call center telephone number.
  • Your in field representative team.

We will update this webpage as needed if anything changes.  Please stay tuned for boosted information.

Key Statistics

Retirement plans administered by the State Treasurer'south Office serve more than 58,000 agile and retired members through iii statutory pension plans. The membership equally of June thirty, 2021 was:

26,026 active

7,974 inactive

2,680 terminated vested

21,760 retired

The three alimony plans are:

The Vermont Country Employees' Retirement System (VSERS) world wide">https://world wide">Vermont State Employees' Retirement Arrangement (VSERS) | Office of the State Treasurer (

The Vermont State Teachers' Retirement System (VSTRS)">">VSTRS Group C Plan Description | Office of the State Treasurer (

The Vermont Municipal Employees' Retirement System (VMERS)">">VMERS Group Plans | Office of the State Treasurer (

Table of Contents

  • New Announcements
  • Assistants
  • Funding
  • GASB Resource Page
  • Fiduciary Oversight
  • Public Retirement Written report Committee
  • Retirement Office
  • Retirement Specialists
  • Informational Seminars
  • Newsletters
  • More Resources


Retiree 2022 Cost of Living Adjustments Announced
VSERS Members - Information on Employee Contribution Rates
VSERS Members - Information on your 1095 Tax Grade (proof of health insurance)
VSTRS Members - Data on your 1095 Tax Form (proof of wellness insurance)
Make Sense of Your 1099-R Form


A Board of Trustees for each system is vested with the general administration of the system, as well as the responsibility for formulating administrative policy and procedures for its members and their beneficiaries. The day-to-day retirement operations and pension investment functions are administered through the Country Treasurer'due south Office. The State Treasurer is a member of each Board of Trustees. Lath meetings are open to the public and members are welcome to attend at whatsoever time. VMERS VSERS  VSTRS" target="_blank">


Vermont State Employees' Retirement Arrangement (VSERS) and Vermont State Teachers' Retirement Arrangement (VSTRS) are funded by employee contributions as well as contributions made past the Land. The Vermont Municipal Employees' Retirement System (VMERS) is funded by employee contributions and local municipal employer contributions, and receives no State contributions.

GASB Resource Page

The Governmental Bookkeeping Standards Board (GASB) is an organization whose primary purpose is to better and create accounting reporting standards or generally accepted bookkeeping principals. GASB canonical 2 new standards in June 2012 that will impact the Vermont Land Retirement System and its participating employers. The Treasurer's office has compiled resources on this page to assist accounting and financial administrators with the implementation of the new standards.

Fiduciary Oversight

Oversight and management of the three systems' assets are nether the governance of the Vermont Pension Investment Committee (VPIC).

Public Retirement Study Committee

The State Legislature directed the cosmos of the Public Retirement Report Commission in the 2014 session. An Acting Written report of the Feasibility of Establishing a Public Retirement Plan was due to the General Assembly this session. The committee has recommended to the legislature that their work be extended for another year to let more than time to study the bug.

Retirement Office

The Retirement Operations Division comprises 14 full-time staff members. The primary function of the staff is to serve the needs of the active contributing members and retired members receiving benefit payments. On the active member side, the Retirement Operations Division oversees enrollments, transfers, refunds, and adjustments to members' accounts. On the retiree side, the Division oversees the issuance of the payroll, changes to dependents, adjustments to payments, and replacement checks. Other responsibilities include employee reinstatements, calculation of buybacks and refunds, disability retirements, and determination of survivor benefits.

Retirement Specialists

The retirement specialists provide one-on-one counseling to prospective retirees. Specialists provide estimates of alimony and casher payments by verifying a member'south creditable service, salaries, and personal information (i.eastward., appointment of birth, beneficiary date of nativity, etc.).

Advisory Seminars

Specialists and supervisory staff likewise conduct informational seminars which include individual counseling sessions and informational sessions for members of the three systems. For more than information please see the Retirement Segmentation Operations section of the Treasurer's Function Annual Written report.


Newsletters are published twice a year and provide the latest retirement arrangement announcements, too every bit information and resources to assist you in making the decisions affecting your retirement. VMERS VSERS  VSTRS

More Resources

Financial Literacy & Preparing for Retirement

Visit the Treasurer's Office spider web folio on saving for retirement.

Sign In or Create a my Social Security Account

You lot probably plan to receive Social Security benefits some day. Mayhap you already do. Either way, y'all'll desire to">http://world wide" target="_blank">create a my Social Security business relationship for quick, secure and easy access to your Social Security information.

How Long Do You Have To Live In Vermont To Be Able To Apply For Services,


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