
How Much To Bahamas Spent On Their Social Services

This is a list of countries by spending on social welfare. Countries with the highest levels of spending are more likely to be considered welfare states.

As a percentage of GDP [edit]

These tables are lists of social welfare spending as a pct of GDP compiled past Organisation for Economic Co-performance and Evolution ("OECD") into the OECD Social Expenditure Database which "includes reliable and internationally comparable statistics on public and mandatory and voluntary private social expenditure at programme level."[one]


Country 2019 2016 2010 2005 2000
1 France 31.2 31.5 30.7 28.vii 27.5
2 Belgium 28.9 29.0 28.3 25.3 23.five
three Finland 28.7 thirty.8 27.4 23.9 22.6
4 Italy 28.two 28.9 27.6 24.1 22.half-dozen
v Denmark 28.0 28.7 28.ix 25.2 23.8
6 Republic of austria 26.six 27.8 27.six 25.nine 25.5
7 Sweden 26.1 27.1 26.iii 27.4 26.8
8 Federal republic of germany 25.1 25.3 25.nine 26.3 25.iv
9 Norway 25.0 25.1 21.9 20.7 20.4
10 Spain 23.7 24.6 25.viii xx.4 19.5
11 Hellenic republic 23.five 27.0 23.8 20.4 18.iv
12 Portugal 22.half-dozen 24.1 24.5 22.3 18.v
13 Grand duchy of luxembourg 22.4 21.8 22.ix 22.iv 18.six
fourteen Japan 21.9
15 Slovenia 21.two 22.8 23.iv 21.4 22.iv
16 Poland 20.2 20.six 20.9 20.2
17 United Kingdom xx.6 21.v 22.8 xix.4 17.7
18 Hungary xix.4 twenty.half dozen 23.0 21.ix xx.1
19 New Zealand 18.ix
20 Czech Republic 18.vii 19.4 19.eight eighteen.1 18.0
21 United States eighteen.7 19.iii 19.3 15.half-dozen 14.3
22 Republic of estonia 18.four 17.4 18.3 thirteen.0 thirteen.viii
23 Australia 17.eight 19.1 16.7 sixteen.7 xviii.2
24 Canada 17.iii
25 Slovakia 17.0 eighteen.half-dozen 18.1 15.eight 17.half-dozen
26 Netherlands 16.7 22.0 20.5 18.4
27 Republic of latvia 16.2 14.v 12.2 14.8
28 Lithuania 16.ii
29 Israel 16.0 16.1 16.0 16.iii 17.0
30 Switzerland xvi.0 19.vii 18.4 18.4 16.3
31 Republic of iceland 16.0 xv.ii 17.0 15.9 14.6
32 Ireland xiv.4 16.1 22.4 xiv.9 12.6
33 Turkey 12.5
34 South Korea 11.1 10.four eight.three 6.1 4.5
35 Chile x.9


Total net social spending takes into account public and individual social expenditure, and also includes the result of direct taxes (income tax and social security contributions), indirect taxation of consumption on cash benefits, every bit well equally tax breaks for social purposes.[i]

Country 2015
1 France 31.7
2 United States 30
3 Belgium 26.vii
iv Netherlands 26.iii
v Denmark 25.4
6 Italy 25.4
seven Republic of finland 25.3
8 Frg 24.eight
9 Sweden 24.5
10 Britain 24.5
11 Austria 24.iii
12 Switzerland 23.7
13 Australia 23.5
xiv Japan 23.5
15 Portugal 23
16 Espana 22.9
17 Greece 22.four
18 Kingdom of norway 22
19 Canada 20.nine
20 OECD Average twenty.ix
21 Slovenia twenty.half-dozen
22 Czech republic 18.six
23 Luxembourg 18.2
24 Iceland 18.ii
25 Hungary 18.1
26 New Zealand 17.6
27 Slovak Republic 17.4
28 Israel 16.5
29 Ireland 16.1
30 Estonia fourteen.9
31 Latvia thirteen.vii
32 Chile 13.3
33 Republic of korea 13
34 Turkey eleven.2
35 Mexico seven.7
36 Poland 0.9

Per capita [edit]

This table lists social spending per head 2015, 2010, and 2005, in constant 2010 prices adapted for purchasing power parity, in US dollars.[2]

Country 2015 2010 2005
ane Luxembourg 19,427.threescore 19,806.xc 18,877.00
two Norway fourteen,711.xx 12,780.seventy 12,138.60
3 Denmark 12,895.twenty 12,308.x 10,985.60
4 Austria eleven,926.twenty 11,592.20 ten,398.twenty
5 Belgium eleven,917.forty 11,338.xc 9,798.50
half dozen France 11,796.10 xi,180.00 10,248.40
seven Sweden 11,664.10 10,929.30 x,920.60
viii Finland 11,514.60 10,601.sixty 9,125.20
9 Deutschland 10,598.70 10,347.00 9,731.60
10 United states of america 9,734.xl ix,317.thirty seven,574.00
11 Italy ix,456.ninety 9,417.10 8,765.80
12 Republic of ireland 9,397.eighty 10,638.70 vii,293.50
thirteen Switzerland eight,649.30 vii,968.90 7,791.20
14 Australia 8,328.10 6,997.00 half-dozen,713.50
15 United Kingdom eight,292.30 8,045.xl half dozen,740.80
xvi Japan 8,214.10 seven,512.30 six,071.90
17 Netherlands 8,069.10 7,922.20 8,612.30
eighteen Espana 7,832.ten 7,902.20 6,599.00
xix Canada 7,456.20 7,028.20 6,439.00
20 OECD - Average 7,071.ten vii,203.40 6,289.20
21 New Zealand 6,612.50 6,416.60 5,448.00
22 Iceland six,589.twenty half-dozen,514.00 6,273.80
23 Portugal half-dozen,418.lxxx half-dozen,689.fourscore 5,947.80
24 Slovenia vi,364.50 6,495.20 5,593.00
25 Hellenic republic six,027.sixty 7,001.90 five,762.xx
26 Czechia 5,799.seventy 5,439.lxx iv,541.20
27 Republic of hungary 5,031.10 4,965.40 four,721.00
28 Slovakia v,005.eighty 4,465.70 three,129.70
29 Israel 4,852.40 4,452.30 3,905.forty
xxx Estonia 4,639.xx 3,948.twoscore 2,801.50
31 Lithuania four, 3,899.70 2,418.90
32 South korea iii,493.30 two,495.80 1,563.xx
33 Latvia 3,481.fifty iii,427.thirty 2,068.00
34 Turkey 2,656.90 two,131.80 1,582.40
35 Chile 2,243.x ane,894.20 i,405.60
36 Mexico one,280.00 1,124.10 656.xl
northward/a Poland n/a iv,292.lxx iii,454.90

See also [edit]

  • List of countries past taxation rates
  • Listing of countries by tax acquirement to Gross domestic product ratio
  • Welfare state

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b OECD. "Social Expenditure Database (SOCX)". Retrieved 15 February 2020.
  2. ^ "Social Expenditure - Aggregated data". OECD Stat. OECD.

How Much To Bahamas Spent On Their Social Services,


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